Sour, Bitter, Metallic Taste

The reason that taste disorders are related to Bad Breath is due to the sulfur produced by these anaerobic bacteria, particularly on the back (dorsum) of the tongue. Although it was extremely difficult for us to find a direct relationship between sulfide molecules and this area of the tongue in American Medical or Dental textbooks, several Asian Medical texts made reference to Sour, Bitter, and Metallic tastes associated with the rear of the tongue. This fact is very logical, because the bacteria that produce the Sulfur Compounds breed in the back of the tongue which is the area susceptible to sour, bitter, and metallic tastes.

Sense of Smell and Taste
Diagram of side of the head

Neurologically, the sense of smell and the sense of taste have two distinct physical centers in the brain, where specific electrical impulses are received. However, they happen to be next door neighbors. There is physical evidence which show that the receptors for these are separate senses often intermingle with each other. This causes some to detect a sense of odor, even though there is none, based on a stimulation in the taste center, and vice versa.

Pharmaceutical companies realized early on that it could be very easy to "fool" the public by creating strong flavors in oral rinses, which would then be "sensed" by the brain as if the user's breath was fresh. One must understand that just as seeing and hearing are 2 different senses, and so are smelling and taste. You can have a great minty taste in your mouth (after using a Tic Tac, let's say), but the odor being sensed by the person next to you at work can be a disagreeable sulfur odor. This is true because the sugar in those products stimulate the bacteria to produce more sulfur compounds. Some oral rinses are flavored to be "mediciny" with the distinct purpose of creating the sense to the user that this "medicine" flavor is actually doing something. Therabreath Oral Rinses are designed to fight and prevent bad breath, not mask it.

pH and Tastes: Sour, bitter, metallic tastes are all acidic in nature. Our medicated products are the only ones of their type to be pH balanced in such a manner as to neutralize more oral acids. This is significant when attempting to raise the pH (make the environment less acidic) and alleviate these tastes in order to freshen the oral cavity. Your TheraBreath instructions also include procedures to change the pH and methods to better attack the bacteria which are normally very difficult to reach. For those individuals who may have a slightly more "acidic" oral environment or saliva, here's a helpful hint: Sprinkle a small amount of Baking Soda on the bristles of your dry toothbrush. Then place TheraBreath toothgel over the Baking Soda to cover the bristles - then brush. The Baking Soda neutralizes more of the oral acids and creates a "cleaner" taste sensation.

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