The Hard Facts about Tonsil Stones

Struggling with seemingly unexplainable bad breath, despite following a healthy dental hygiene routine? The culprit might be one or more tonsil stones. Tonsil stones affect between 6% and 10% of the population each year, but many people don't know these foul-smelling annoyances even exist. They exhibit as small, white or cream-colored hard lumps on the tonsils and are formed from the accumulation of debris and bacteria.

Although they are hidden at the back of the throat within tonsil crevices, tonsil stones do cause recognizable symptoms that make them easier to detect. Some of these symptoms include chronic bad breath, sore throat without sickness, frequent coughing and a metallic taste in the mouth. For more information about how to prevent and treat these foul-smelling nuisances, refer to the infographic below.

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