We're sorry but we couldn't find the category you were looking for. We hope the related categories below will help you find what you're looking for.

100% Satisfaction Guarantee

All products purchase from the TheraBreath website are backed by a 100% Money-Back Guarantee. Shop With Confidence!

Healthy Gums Oral Rinse w/ Added CPC - Clean Mint, 16oz (12-Pack)
Healthy Gums Oral Rinse w/ Added CPC - Clean Mint, 16oz (12-Pack)

Whitening Fresh Breath Oral Rinse - Dazzling Mint, 16oz (12-Pack)
Whitening Fresh Breath Oral Rinse - Dazzling Mint, 16oz (12-Pack)

Fresh Breath Oral Rinse - Invigorating Icy Mint, 16oz (12-Pack)
Fresh Breath Oral Rinse - Invigorating Icy Mint, 16oz (12-Pack)

Dry Mouth Oral Rinse - Tingling Mint, 16oz (4-Pack)
Dry Mouth Oral Rinse - Tingling Mint, 16oz (4-Pack)

Healthy Gums Oral Rinse w/ Added CPC - Clean Mint, 16oz (4-Pack)
Healthy Gums Oral Rinse w/ Added CPC - Clean Mint, 16oz (4-Pack)

Fresh Breath Oral Rinse - Invigorating Icy Mint, 16oz (4-Pack)
Fresh Breath Oral Rinse - Invigorating Icy Mint, 16oz (4-Pack)

Fresh Breath Oral Rinse - Mild Mint, 16oz (4-Pack)
Fresh Breath Oral Rinse - Mild Mint, 16oz (4-Pack)

Anticavity Oral Rinse - Sparkling Mint, 16oz (4-Pack)
Anticavity Oral Rinse - Sparkling Mint, 16oz (4-Pack)

Whitening Fresh Breath Oral Rinse - Dazzling Mint, 16oz (4-Pack)
Whitening Fresh Breath Oral Rinse - Dazzling Mint, 16oz (4-Pack)

Whitening + Fresh Breath Charcoal Toothpaste - Midnight Mint, 3.5oz (2-Pack)
Whitening + Fresh Breath Charcoal Toothpaste - Midnight Mint, 3.5oz (2-Pack)

PLUS Fresh Breath Toothpaste - Peppermint, 4oz (2-Pack)
PLUS Fresh Breath Toothpaste - Peppermint, 4oz (2-Pack)

100% Satisfaction Guarantee

All products purchase from the TheraBreath website are backed by a 100% Money-Back Guarantee. Shop With Confidence!

Contact Us

Your questions and comments are important to us! You can contact THERABREATH via phone or text (M-F 9:00AM - 5:00PM EST) at 1-800-97-FRESH (973-7374).

For response via email, please complete the form below to submit a question or comment and provide us with as much information as possible. Although we can't guarantee an immediate reply, we will contact you as soon as we can.

STEP 2: Review Your Order
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