Fish Oil Supplements Contribute to Bad Breath

Fish Oil Supplements

Millions of people take fish oil supplements every day. They contain high levels of omega-3s, which have been tied to a range of health benefits. However, individuals who take them report a common problem. The pills can cause burps that smell like fish, giving the impression of bad breath.

Many people view the smell of fish as an unpleasant odor. It is equated with rotting and unfreshness. Individuals who regularly have this smell on their breath may be included among those with halitosis, which is a category few want to be in.

However, there are ways to reduce the occurrence of bad breath from fish oil supplements. Doctors recently told USA Weekend that storing supplements at cold temperatures may help slow their digestion. Additionally, taking higher-grade capsules - rather than the liquid form of the supplement - with meals may help with the problem.

Individuals may also be able to decrease their risk of experiencing halitosis by investigating specialty breath freshening products. These toothpastes and mouthwashes may be able to alleviate odors in the mouth caused by nutritional supplements.

Experts say that fish-smelling burps are one of the most common side effects of the supplements, according to Women's Health Magazine.

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