Tonsils and Bad Breath

Tonsil stones (tonsilloliths) are small white or yellow globules that develop in the tonsils or adenoids, and less commonly on the roof of the mouth and in the back of the throat. Tonsil stones can be hard to see without any visual aid because they hide in the pockets/crevices (crypts) of the tonsils.

What Causes Bad Breath?

Chronic bad breath (halitosis) can turn into a serious problem. It can make people feel socially isolated, which in turn can lead to depression. It can effectively cut off chances for professional advancement, especially if one’s job requires dealing with the public on a regular basis. Millions of people suffer from persistent bad breath, despite efforts to control it.

Anaerobic bacteria on the teeth, gums, and grooves of the tongue are responsible for bad breath. The bacteria feed on food particles remaining in the mouth after eating. They produce metabolites with high concentrations of foul-smelling polyamines and sulfur compounds. Regular brushing, flossing, and lingual cleansing will ensure fresh breath for a large number of people, however, not every case of bad breath originates in the front of the mouth.

Tonsil Stones and Bad Breath

Structures further back in the throat can also be a source of chronic bad breath, particularly the lymphatic tissues known as the palatine and nasopharyngeal tonsils. The tonsils are such a persistent source of infection, many children in the U.S. have them removed before they reach adolescence. Yet even after a tonsillectomy, some tissue remains, often turning into a bacterial breeding ground for the microorganisms responsible for bad breath.

Tonsil infections that lead to chronic bad breath are most often due to tonsil stones. Although tonsil stones are fairly common, many dentists and physicians miss them completely when their patients complain of halitosis.
Tonsil infections leading to chronic bad breath are most often due to tonsil stones. Although tonsil stones are fairly common, many dentists and physicians miss them completely when their patients complain of halitosis.

A study published in the journal Microbes and Infection concluded tonsil stones cause halitosis because they are crawling with anaerobic bacteria. Another report appearing in the journal Otolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery, stated tonsil stones are composed of layer after layer of living microbes.

Treating Bad Breath Due to Tonsil Stones

Brushing, flossing, and other oral hygiene measures do very little to prevent bad breath associated with tonsil stones. Most commercial mouthwashes, toothpastes, and other products can mask this type of halitosis temporarily, but in the long run may actually exacerbate the problem since they have a mouth-drying effect.

One of the best ways to decrease the anaerobic bacteria responsible for chronic halitosis is to attack them with oxygen. A highly effective way to alleviate bad breath permanently is to combine the use of tonsil stone products with traditional oral hygiene practices. Dentists recommend brushing your teeth after every meal, flossing your teeth, cleaning your tongue once a day, and getting professional cleanings and dental exams at least twice a year.

The regular use of TheraBreath® oxygenating products will alter the environment of hard-to-reach places like tonsil crevices, making them unappealing to sulfur-producing microorganisms. TheraBreath® Tonsil Stone Kits are the ideal solution to help treat tonsils stones and bad breath and prevent them from returning in the future.

These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure, or prevent any disease. The information contained herein is for educational purposes only. Before initiating any new oral treatment, please consult your oral care professional.

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